As an inaugural post, I like to address a weirdness concerning my boyhood notion that dinosaurs quite possibly built Stonehenge: namely, I'm not the only one to give this important topic serious attention. In a 1981 skit for SNL, Eric Idle of Monty Python reviews the tantalizing evidence that dinosaurs built Stonehenge and concludes that, well, dinosaurs didn't build Stonehenge. Watch:
The weirdness ensues, for me personally, with the uncanny similarities between this 1981 skit and the drawing I did, below, in 1978 (at the latest!). Here's my drawing:
So, at :21, Idle holds up a plastic dinosaur, a Stegosaurus, and compares it to Stonehenge. Again, at 2:26, Idle says: "Stegosaurus LOOKS like Stonehenge." I observed a few years earlier, "Stone Hendge has a dinsausaurish oultine [dinosaurish outline!]." It gets way weirder. At 2:38, Idle proclaims that Stonehenge had a "dinosaurish shape," at which point a graphic appears, exactly like what you see in my drawing! More weirdness. Look at the whale in my drawing, with a block of rock attached to its head, sliding down a glacier or mountain. Now view 1:57-2:04 of the video. What the?! Then at 2:38, "Triceratops digs out the holes." And now my drawing, "Triceratops Dug
I don't know what to make of this. It bugs me out. I am 100% certain that my drawing is from the late '70s. Why? Because by 1981, I was in 7th grade and interested in, let's say, "teenage" things. I got a Walkman, listened to Black Sabbath's "Master of Reality" again and again and again. I kissed a girl for the first time that year in Jim Morgan's paneled basement. I tasted beer for the first time. I tried to descramble soft-core porn from "broadcast" cable. I puffed on cigarettes and had feathered hair. I lifted weights from Sears. I saw my first R rated move, "American Werewolf in London" (thanks Dad!). Heck, my spelling improved. 1981 was the jam. Point is, I was over and done with dinosaur drawings, and there is no way I'd sit to make one, much less a riposte, after seeing the skit in 1981, or whenever it aired in the U.S.
Which leads me to ask, Did this skit air in the '70s on Monty Python before its appearance in 1981 on SNL? The interwebs do not say, but it must have. Tell me it did, because otherwise I'll start moonlighting as a soothsayer.
At any rate, Dinosaurs built Stonehenge. See for yourself!!!